Growing up in sunny Southern California had its benefits.
Swimming during Christmas break, beautiful beaches just a short drive away,
running into celebs at the local hangouts were just some of the things we took
for granted. But there were also some drawbacks.
The home I grew up in was burglarized SIXTEEN times during
my childhood.
That’s right - 16 x’s! Once while we were asleep and another
time twice in a single day (I guess even thieves get a lunch break!?). We lived
in a decent neighborhood in the ‘Valley’. We had bikes, tools, electronics,
cameras, jewelry stolen and eventually just accepted that it was the price we
paid for living in ‘paradise’.
I was telling this story the other day and realized what I
was saying - WE ACCEPTED IT! Like it was some unalterable fact of life! The
truth is that we could have bought a vicious dog (our Boston Terrier didn’t get
the job done), hired a guard or dug a moat and filled it with laser equipped
sharks. But we didn’t. After all, that is what we had homeowner’s insurance
Here in rural western North Carolina people often make fun
of me because I lock everything, every time. In a town where people still leave
the keys in the ignition when they run into the market I’m sort of an anomaly.
Oh well, some habits are hard to change. And then I started thinking about how
this mirrors our spiritual life. I love how it’s worded in the Amplified
Version -
“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and
destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it
in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” - John 10:10
And here we are trudging through life allowing the enemy to
steal, kill and destroy. After all we are saved (homeowner’s insurance). I
wonder what we have ACCEPTED that isn’t a part of God’s plan for our lives? I
wonder what doors and windows in our lives are unlocked providing easy access
for the enemy? Possibly the words we use, the thoughts we entertain, the things
we watch or how we spend our time & money? It might be time to DECIDE that being
robbed on a regular basis ISN’T an acceptable way to live.