I really enjoy a great steak. Everyone has their own opinion
on how to prepare a great steak but
most people agree that the first step in cooking
a great steak is to SEAR the meat. Heat that grill or griddle up, slap it on
and listen to it sizzle. It’s beautiful music to the ears of every carnivore!
Merriam-Websters Dictionary defines SEAR as to cook the surface of quickly with intense
heat. But it also defines it as to
burn, scorch, mark, or injure with or as if with sudden application of intense
heat or to make withered and dry.
Good for a nice ribeye but not great for your conscience.
“The Spirit clearly
says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving
spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through
hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”
- 1 Timothy 4:1-2 NIV
I want to point out of few things in these two verses -
- It is talking about people who once had a vibrant relationship with God. It seems to me that you have to have something before you can abandon it.
- It refers to them as hypocritical liars. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does something else. It actually says that someone who once served God has now become a hindrance to Him and a help to the enemy!
- It says that their consciences have been seared or burned, scorched, marked, or injured with a sudden application of intense heat rending it withered and dry. This is what I would like to focus on.
If you are reading this and you feel ‘a little heat’ (pun
intended) don’t despair. That is proof positive that the Holy Spirit is still
working in your life. Start by asking God to define the lines for you. Sometimes
you have to take some radical steps to break free. I know a young man who was
struggling with a pornography addiction that took a hammer to his laptop. By
the way he is in full time ministry today. We often know what to do we just
lack the conviction to walk it out. We need our behavior to match our beliefs. Are
we willing to not see the latest movie, engage in gossip around the water
cooler and refuse to cheat on our taxes? Other than going to church on Sundays
(or at least most of them) are we really any different from people who don’t
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